Energy from “waste heat”

“Waste heat” is a by-product resulting from many industrial processes, like refrigeration, flue gas cleaning in large incineration plants, sewage treatment and numerous chemical processes.

Usually, the temperature level of “waste heat” does not allow direct use and thus it is discharged to the environement. However, this heat energy is precious! In many cases a heat pump application is providing promising economic and ecological advantages.

Potential heat sources for energy recovery

Friotherm has proven experience with a wide range heat sources and applied technologies:

  • Incineration plants
  • Industrial waste heat
  • Raw sewage and treated seawage
  • The sea, lakes and rivers

Friotherm offers industry-proven, innovative and efficient solutions.

Unitop® Heat Pumps for efficient energy recovery

Unitop® Heat Pumps for efficient energy recovery

Heat Pumps for energy recovery
